*Every Monday, we feature a local creative and his or her business or work. It is our hope that we can work together to create a virtual phone book of resources to have at our fingertips, including models, designers, business owners, stylists, artists, and more. Spotlight submissions may be submitted to kara@sunshine-cupcakes.com*
Welcome to part 2 of our husband/wife spotlight! Today we get to meet Josh, the designer half of Arrow & Apple. This is one super talented dude. A painter, builder, graphic designer, and amateur pro breakfast maker? Sign us up.
1) Tell us who you are! What's your name/your business's name? What part of town do you live in? What is your contribution to the creative community of Phoenix? My name is Joshua Rhodes, I run Arrow and Apple (arrowandapple.com) with my wife Sarah, but am thinking about branching off and developing my own identity/website soon. We live pretty close to central phoenix about 10 minutes from downtown when there isnt traffic :) We just moved here so we havent gotten too involved yet, I work at co+hoots (cohoots.com) which allows me to get involved way more that I might have otherwise. We (Co+hoots) have a industrial design contest/event in the works that is going to bring a lot of local folks together. Stay tuned for that!
2) What is your education/background/experience related to your work? I went to the Art Insitute of Phoenix a long time ago, and have done free lance here and there since then.
3) What services do you offer and how can people get a hold of you? I do graphic design, build furniture, paint pictures, and cook a pretty decent breakfast dish called root cake. I will do any of those things for you for the right price. People can get a hold of me through the internets. joshuaprhodes.com.

4) What are your rates? Everything I do takes a varying amount of time-the amount of time dictates the cost. I also hate figuring out what to charge, so we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

5) How can people get connected? Provide your contact info - email, Twitter, blog, website, whatever you like! I love to network/ collaborate. drop me an email or we can be fb friends (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=774145191) or check out arrowandapple.com.

Thanks Josh! We are gonna hit you up for some of that root cake.
so diverse! <3